Ashley Nocera Diet and Workout Plan

BodybuildersWorkout Programs

Ashley Nocera is a WBFF Pro bikini model and athlete, who’s very popular on social media, with millions of followers on tiktok and Instagram. She always loved fitness, having been inspired by her grandfather who was a bodybuilder.

As a kid, Ashley enjoyed swimming, taking part in regular competitions. She didn’t start training seriously on her body until high school, where it became an obsession for her. Her rigorous workouts, followed by her hardwork and determination allowed her to build an aesthetic physique.

Seeing the progress she was making, Ashley set her sights on wanting to compete. Her first competition came in 2014 at the WBFF NYC Championship, where she actually walked away with a trophy on her debut. This win also secured her Pro Card, making her a professional bikini athlete.

Shortly after becoming a Pro, Ashley entered her first professional competition, coming in at seventh place. In the following year, she returned to the competition and placed fifth at the WBFF World Championships, improving on her position from the previous year.

Ashley Nocera showing her workout gear

Her focus on professional competitions decreased as she became more and more popular on social media. She still loves to keep fit and often updates fans on her current diet regimes and workout plans.

Ashley Nocera Profile

Date of BirthAugust 15 1994
Height1.52m / 5ft
Body Measurements(Chest/Waist/Hips)34/ 22/ 34 (inches)
Weight57kg / 126 lb

Diet Plan

Ashley Nocera followed a strict diet plan to reach her goal of competing at the WBFF World Championships. She ate around four meals a day, with a couple of snacks in between. Ashley tried to eat small portion sizes, providing her with nutrients and energy all day.

During her competition days, Ashley consumed more calories to give her energy for intense workouts. She doesn’t eat the same amount when she’s not competing, but does stay consistent with her meals. Eating consistently without skipping meals helps with metabolism and keeps weight under control.

Ashley Nocera preparing for her WBFF competition

Ashley has a very low body fat percentage, at around 10-12%. She’s got an extremely ripped physique, with amazing muscle definition. Her body fat was slightly lower when she was competing, just under 9%.

Without being restrictive off her diet, it would be almost impossible to maintain a body fat under 10%. Ashley’s athletic figure is thanks to her diet, but she does love a cheat meal every so often. Since she isn’t currently competing she can be slightly relaxed with her diet.

She avoids processed and greasy foods, opting for healthier options. She tries to eat healthier fats whenever she can, as they are an essential part of a well balanced diet.

Meal 1Oats and sliced fruit
Meal 2Protein shake and some nuts
Meal 3Chicken with brown rice and vegetables
Meal 4Fruit Smoothie
Meal 5Canned tuna and salad
Meal 6Egg Whites and some almonds

Meal 1

For breakfast, Ashley usually has some oats and sliced fruit. Oats are very dense in nutrients, providing multiple health benefits. They’re also quite filling and help promote weight loss. Fruits are one of her favorite things to have in the morning; they are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

She typically works out in the morning, so eating breakfast provides her with energy. The amount she eats depends on the intensity of her exercises, but she tries to have some carbs in the morning.

Meal 2

After her workout she has a protein shake followed by some nuts. Protein shakes are great as they promote muscle growth and improve recovery. They also allow her to keep body fat low and maintain a healthy weight. Nuts are also good to have, offering her many benefits.

Meal 3

Ashley’s meal after her workout includes protein and carbs; she usually has chicken with brown rice and vegetables. Chicken is one of the best source of protein, helping her build stronger muscles and decrease risk of injuries. Brown rice gives her energy and prevents her from feeling tired.

Meal 4

As a snack in the afternoon, Ashley likes having a fruit smoothie. It offers her many essential vitamins and minerals and is a great meal replacement, keeping her calorie intake controlled.

Meal 5

For dinner, she has a lightweight meal, which usually includes canned tuna with salad. Being rich in protein, tuna is a good food to have. Tuna has a lot of other advantages and contains healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Meal 6

A few hours before bed, she typically has some egg whites and almonds. Eggs are packed with necessary vitamins and minerals, aiding in keeping blood-sugar balance. They also help to provide her better sleep, producing melatonin that promotes healthy sleep.


She usually took supplements when she was training for competitions, to help give her nutrients she lacked. They also make it easier to control weight, whilst improving her athletic performance.

  • Whey Protein
  • Fish Oil
  • Multivitamin
  • CLA

Workout Plan

Ashley Nocera followed a pretty strict workout plan when she was training for the WBFF World Championships, often training 6 days a week. The intense sessions, balanced with cardio helped to maintain and develop her athletic figure.

As a professional bikini model, body aesthetics are very important. Ashley’s workouts made sure to target all muscles evenly. She did a lot of weight training on her core and lower body, with more focus on bodyweight exercises for upper body.

Her workouts aren’t as intense anymore, but she performs the same exercises to maintain her incredible strength. Usually splitting her workouts in to lower and upper body sessions, Ashley targets each muscle separately.

Upper Body

  • Pull-ups 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Push-ups 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Smith machine bench press 10 reps X 3 sets
  • Bicep curls 10 reps X 3 sets
  • Tricep pushdown 10 reps X 3 sets
  • Dumbbell shoulder press 10 reps X 3 sets
  • Seated row 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Lat pull-down 15 reps X 3 sets

Abs (Core)

  • Hanging leg raises 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Hanging flutter kicks 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Hanging oblique crunches 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Scissor kicks 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Reverse crunches 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Exercise ball plank hold (60 second hold)


  • Smith machine squats 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Smith machine lunges 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Leverage squats 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Barbell bulgarian split squats 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Leg press 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Leg extension machine 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Hamstring curl machine 10-15 reps X 3 sets
  • Calf raises 20 reps X 3 sets


  • Kettlebell single leg deadlift 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Dumbbell single leg squats 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Dumbbell side lunge 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Cable donkey kicks (each leg) 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Barbell glute bridge 15 reps X 3 sets
  • Hip thrusts 20 reps X 3 sets

Full Body Workout (Cardio)

She usually does some stretches before beginning her workout, to warm herself up. She also goes for a light jog on the treadmill for a few minutes to get her blood pumping.

  • Push-ups 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Star jumps 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Walking lunges 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Jumping Jacks 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Jump squat 20 reps X 3 sets
  • Step-ups 20 reps X 3 sets

Ashley also goes for a jog at the end, which also includes short hill sprints and running up and down stairs. She tries to add intensity to improve her cardio and burn more calories.