Greg Doucette Diet and Workout Plan

BodybuildersWorkout Programs

Greg Doucette is a Canadian IFBB professional bodybuilder, Guinness World Record holder and a fitness coach. He’s dedicated over thirty years to bodybuilding, whilst having competed in sixty different powerlifting contests. He also has millions of followers on Youtube and is a published author.

Greg’s story on his career is detailed on his website, where he goes on to mention how he got involved in the world of bodybuilding. He took an early interest in weightlifting, having started lifting weights by the age of seven. By the age of ten, he “fell in love” with picking up “heavy things”, and enjoyed getting stronger.

It wasn’t until he was thirteen that he discovered bodybuilding while watching an episode of That’s Incredible, which featured a thirteen year old competing in bodybuilding. Having already been training for several years by then, he dreamed of being on stage one day.

He went on to eventually earn his IFBB Pro card in 2012 at the Canadian Nationals, and has since competed in many different events. In 2015, Gred set a Sumo deadlift World Record for the most weight lifted in 60 seconds. He performed an incredible 50 reps of 182.8 kg, which totalled up to 9,130 kg in a minute.

Greg went on to feature on a Vice series called swole, in a documentary “The 40-Year-Old Bodybuilder”. This was to show his dedication as a bodybuilder and that it was possible to make it even at his age. He’s featured in over 20 magazines, including Planet Muscle, MuscleMag International, Flex and Muscular Development

Greg Doucette Profile

Date of BirthSeptember 17 1975
Height1.67m / 5ft 6″
Body Measurements (Chest/Arms/Waist)42/ 18/ 32 (inches)
Weight88.5kg / 195 lb

Diet Plan

Greg Doucette follows a pretty strict diet plan to keep himself in the best shape possible. He consumes a lot of lean protein, mixed with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. His diet plan is focused on keeping his calorie intake low whilst maintaining a perfect balance.

Like many bodybuilders, Greg eats around 4-6 meals a day, with a protein shake before bed. His diet will also vary depending on whether he is training for a competition, usually increasing his consumption of protein.

Greg showing off his ripped physique at a competition

Greg Doucette has a very low body fat percentage, at around 7-8%. His balanced diet helps him to keep body fat as low as possible, allowing him to perform at his best during contests.

Even when not training for competition he doesn’t consume oily foods and unhealthy fats, describing them as “garbage food that belongs in the garbage”. He avoids junk food completely and has disciplined eating habits, preferring to have unsaturated fats.

Meal 1French toast and egg whites
Meal 2Grilled Chicken breast, vegetables,
and a low-calorie snack
Meal 3Chicken wrap with salad
Meal 4Turkey breast with salad
Meal 5Protein shake

Meal 1

For breakfast Gred usually has some french toast, which is one of his favourite things to eat, followed with egg whites. French toast provides great nutrients and multiple health benefits, with egg whites being a great source of protein. Having a healthy breakfast allows him to feel good and energised.

Meal 2

Before his workout, his meal typically includes chicken breast with some vegetables, and a low-calorie snack. Chicken breast is one of the best source of lean protein, helping build muscles quicker whilst improving recovery time. Vegetables provide Greg with important vitamins and minerals required by the body.

Meal 3

His post workout meal is fairly light, and includes a chicken wrap with salad. This allows him to gain a healthy amount of protein, helping repair his muscles after intense workout sessions.

Meal 4

For dinner, he has turkey breast with some salad. He also tries to have different lean protein foods, which include white meat, salmon and beans. He likes to have a variety of foods to gain a better nutritional value.

Meal 5 

Before bed Greg loves to have a protein shake. Having a protein shake before bed helps to increase muscle mass and even enhances sleep quality. It can also help improve metabolism while accelerating weight loss.


Greg Doucette likes to consume supplements in his diet plan to make it more nutritious. Supplements ensure that he is getting all the nutrients needed, improving overall health.

  • Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • Melatonin
  • Omega-3S
  • Caffeine

Workout Plan

Greg Doucette followed a strict workout plan to reach his goal of becoming a professional bodybuilder. Building muscle efficiently without risking injury and getting enough recovery time is important.

Greg is 5ft 6″, which gives him a slight advantage than taller competitors when it comes to the appearance of muscle mass. It’s not any easier for him to build muscle, but because of shorter limbs muscle development looks larger.

He usually trains five times a week for a few hours, with intense workout sessions focused on strength training. His rest is typically for one or two days, depending on whether he’s training for competitions.


  • Dumbbell incline press 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Barbell chest press 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Machine chest press 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Standing dumbbell fly 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Machine pec deck 4 sets X 12 reps


  • Seated dumbbell shoulder press 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Machine shoulder press 4 X 15 reps
  • Dumbbell lateral raise 4 sets X 15 reps
  • One-arm standing cable front raise 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Standing dumbbell shrugs 4 sets X 15 reps


  • Barbell bicep curls 4 sets X 12 reps
  • EZ bar preacher curls 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Seated dumbbell bicep curl 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Standing plate curls 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Machine tricep dips 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Cable tricep pushdowns 4 sets X 15 reps
  • One-arm overhead dumbbell extensions 4 sets X 15 reps


  • Deadlift 3 sets X 12 reps
  • Wide grip lat pull-down 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Cable bent over row 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Cable back row 4 sets X 12 reps
  • Hammer strength machine row 4 X 12 reps


He does cardio before targeting his core, because he believes the best way to get your abs to show is by reducing body fat and being in a calorie deficit.

  • Weighted crunch 4 sets X 20 reps
  • V-sits 4 sets X 20 reps
  • Hanging knee raises 4 sets X 20 reps
  • Weighted russian twist 4 sets X 20 reps
  • Cable crunch 4 sets X 15 reps


  • Leg press 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Machine hack squat 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Machine leg extensions 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Lying leg curl 4 sets X 15 reps
  • Seated calf raises 5 sets X 15 reps
  • Standing calf raises 5 sets X 15 reps

Greg Doucette also has a YouTube channel, which he started in 2006. He constantly shares updates on his lifestyle and advice on keeping fit.