Sommer Ray Diet and Workout Plan

CelebritiesWorkout Programs

Sommer Ray is an American fitness model and social media star. She’s won many awards in multiple bodybuilding and fitness competitions. Sommer has a large social following on multiple platforms, being highly active on Instagram, reaching millions of people.

She started working out when she was very young, lifting weights with her dad quite regularly. Her passion for health and fitness grew in her teenage years, competing in several bodybuilding competitions when she turned sixteen.

Sommer rose to fame when she started sharing progress of her workouts on Instagram. She regularly posted her booty gains, attracting a lot of attention. Eventually she reached millions of people and started to take social media seriously, becoming a full time fitness model.

She has multiple social media platforms, where she shares updates on her lifestyle, posting new exercise plans frequently. Sommer is one of the most popular and famous fitness models in the world, thanks to her hardwork and dedication at the gym.

Sommer Ray posing while doing some cardio

Unlike other fitness models, she claims to be natural and hasn’t gone through any cosmetic surgery. She believes in showing people the real version of herself, and thinks it’s deceiving for people to promote unnatural bodies.

Sommer Ray also has an Online Shop, where she sells fitness apparel for both men and women. She offers shorts, leggings, hoodies, and sports bras, as well as swimwear.

Sommer Ray Profile

Date of Birth15 September 1996
Height1.68m / 5ft 6″
Body Measurements (Chest/ Waist/ Hips)32/ 24/ 36 (inches)
Weight56kg / 123 lb

Diet Plan

Sommer Ray follows a pretty relaxed diet plan, eating plenty of lean proteins and healthy carbs daily. She eats around 3 meals a day, with a snack in between. Her calorie consumption can vary slightly depending on her goals, but usually she tries eating under 1800 calories.

Sommer’s worked hard in the gym whilst maintaining a healthy diet since she was very young. She understands everyone’s body is different, promoting self love and individual goals. She thinks targets should be specific for each person and the process to a healthy lifestyle starts with motivation.

In an interview with Forbes, she mentions that one of her main goals is to “promote a healthy” and “natural lifestyle”. She also talks about her being “against plastic surgery”, and thinks it’s really important to love yourself, and not make comparisons with other people.

Sommer Ray showing off her ripped physique and slim waist

Sommer Ray has a pretty low body fat percentage, at around 13%. With an extremely toned figure and great abs, she often talks about the importance of a good diet to maintaining a healthy body.

She tries to stick with healthy food choices, but isn’t very strict on herself. She believes it’s important to enjoy yourself, and tends to have junk food often, but in moderation. Keeping a calorie count and making sure to eat the right foods frequently helps provide the body with vital nutrition.

BreakfastProtein shake with sliced fruit
LunchChicken breast with sweet potato
and salad
SnackProtein bar and nuts
DinnerGrilled chicken with steamed white
rice and veggies


For breakfast, Sommer Ray usually has a protein shake with some sliced fruit. Having a protein shake for breakfast is great, providing many health benefits. It also allows her to be more energized for the day, enhancing muscle growth. Fruits provide her vital vitamins and minerals, whilst being an excellent source of dietary fibre.


Her lunch typically consists of chicken breast with sweet potato, followed by salad. Chicken breast is a great source of lean protein, being very low in saturated fats. This helps Sommer to build muscle quicker, while helping to improve muscle recovery time.


As a snack she usually has a protein bar and some nuts. Protein bars are a great snack, reducing appetite while being very low in fat. They also improve blood pressure and reduce cholesterol with several other health benefits, similar to nuts.


She typically like to have proteins with some carbs for dinner, usually going for grilled chicken with some steamed white rice and vegetables. This helps with recovery, ensuring she gains lean muscle and maintains a healthy body weight.


Sommer Ray typically doesn’t take many supplements, but will sometimes take them compensate for any nutrients she isn’t getting through her diet. Supplements are great for health when taken in moderation and provide many benefits.

  • Whey Protein
  • Multivitamins
  • BCAAs
  • Pre Workouts

Workout Plan

Sommer Ray has a pretty strict workout plan, exercising almost every day. She loves to workout and is extremely dedicated to health and fitness. She regularly posts videos and pictures of her working out on her Instagram and snapchat.

Known for her famous booty, a lot of her exercises target legs. It’s her favourite body part to workout. Like many other social media stars, she’s received a lot of criticism and abuse online with people calling her butt ‘fake’.

She often says she’s never had any form of cosmetic surgery and doesn’t intend on it ever. Her love for fitness keeps her motivated and she ignores “outside noise”. She’s been working out since she was just a little kid and her results are down to good genes and hardwork.

Sommer often does a lot of bodyweight exercises, promoting many home workouts to make it easier for her fans to follow along. She does like using weights when working out on her legs though, building more muscle mass, but still shares exercises that can be done without.

Arms/ Shoulders

  • Dumbbell bicep curls 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Cable bicep curls 3 sets X 10 reps
  • Cable shoulder external rotation 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Cable tricep extension 3 sets X 10 reps
  • Dumbbell standing shoulder press 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Tricep dips 3 sets X 20 reps
  • Press ups 3 sets X 20 reps


Sommer usually does 60 seconds of each exercise, with a 10 second rest in between each. She tries working out on her abs a few times a week.

  • Crunches
  • Lying leg raise
  • Flutter kicks
  • Scissor kicks
  • Russian twist
  • Plank press ups
  • Medicine ball mountain climbers


  • Dumbbell deadlifts 3 sets X 10 reps
  • Barbell squats 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Barbell hip thrusts 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Barbell bulgarian split squats 3 sets X 10 reps
  • Leg press 3 sets X 10 reps
  • Cable leg extensions 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Cable leg abduction 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Calf raises 3 sets X 15 reps


She usually performs each exercise for a total of 30 reps, with no rest in between each exercise. She tries to use weight for each movement to increase the intensity of the workout.

  • Kettlebell deadlift
  • Kettlebell side lunges
  • Walking barbell lunges
  • Jumping squats (with band)
  • Glute bridge
  • Lying leg curls

Lower Body Cardio

Before starting her cardio, Sommer usually jumps rope for around 60 seconds to warm up, followed by some active stretching. Her workout includes doing each exercise for 60 seconds with a 30 second break in between each. Sometimes she performs her workout in circuits, doing each exercise a total of 3 times.

  • Jumping lunges
  • Squats
  • Jumping squats
  • Inchworms
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Standing donkey kicks
  • Glute bridge
  • Weighted ball slams

Sommer Ray has a youtube channel where she regularly shares updates on her lifestyle and different workouts for her fans to try.  She shares workouts that can be done at home with no equipment, to allow more people to get involved.